Food & Nutrition

Common Foods For Wellbeing Myths!

Many of us have preconceptions surrounding what we need to eat in order to ensure that we are getting enough minerals and vitamins into our everyday diets.

Here are some common myths surrounding nutritious foods and drinks…

  1. Raw veggies are more nutritious than cooked veggies!
    A lot of people think that when you cook vegetables, you lose nutrients, which is sometimes the case; however, when you lose nutrients at the same time you gain other nutrients. Cooking also breaks down fibre which makes your body process what you are consuming more easily. Tomatoes are the most popular example of this, as when cooked they release much more lycopene which help your body fight against diseases such as prostate cancer.
  2. Spinach is the highest iron rich food
    Although spinach contains iron, it is not the highest containing iron food. Lentils, beans, peas, soybeans, pumpkin, sesame and hemp seeds are richer in iron. Broccoli, cabbage and Brussel sprouts also contain a rich amount of iron. The reasoning behind this myth was a misplaced decimal point in an 1870 German study about how much iron was contained within the leafy green.
  3. The more vibrant, the healthier it is!
    This is not always the case, for example White cabbage is one of the most vitamin and nutrient-packed foods available. It contains; Vitamins A, B, C, and K as well as calcium, iron, and fibre.
  4. All fizzy drinks are awful for your health
    Fizzy water with a wedge of lemon quenches thirst keeping you hydrated and takes the cravings for other unhealthier options of fizzy drinks away. Carbonated water also improves indigestion and helps constipation.
  5. Got an infection – drink cranberry juice!
    It can help to prevent them due to the compounds in the juice stop infection-causing bacteria sticking to your bladder wall, but there is no confirmed study that suggests that they can cure the infections once you’ve developed the infection.

6. Vitamin C
Oranges are the fruit endorser of the vitamin C world, however, many other fruits and vegetables actually have a much higher content of the vitamin, these include; red bell peppers, green bell peppers, kale, broccoli, strawberries and kiwi. Vitamin C is vital in protecting your body against immune system deficiencies.

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